
måndag 18 juni 2018

New composers: Jonas Nilsson

Next announcement of our new collaborations for 2018/19 is the contrabassist, improviser, composer and sound-spiritualist Jonas Nilsson!
Jonas Nilsson is a composer and double-bassist with a background in rock, jazz and free-improvisation. With a particular interest in timberal aspects, he is exploring through his work the intensity of silence and the serenity of intensiveness. Another important source he draws inspiration from is the often intense and transformative experiences that occur through the meeting between inner and outer worlds – inspired by, among other things, yoga, meditation and the meeting with nature

Jonas is currently working on a new piece for Ensemble Dasein, to be premiered the 6/10-18 at Pygmeeteatern (Sthlm) in a program of new music by Nordic composers.

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// Ensemble Dasein

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